ProSwitching is proven

We have been over 20+ years of know-how and experience delivering and providing Financial Switching Solution in Indonesia. ProSwitching have been used by more than 20 banks with varous size, and currenly is delivering more than 40 millions transactions daily .
ProSwitching in BRI delivers more than 40 millions transaction daily which consist of 10+ million of Financial and 20+ million NonFinancial Tranaction daily . BRI uses ProSwitching Middleware, proswitching CAM, ProSwitching ATM, ProSwittching POS modules, ProSwitching Payment Gateway which connect to many local billers and international switch such as Master Card, VISA, dan JCB . All ATM Merah Putih and CDM are handled by ProSwitching ATM Controllers. W4 (OpenWay) still handling old native ATM BRI transaction, which connect to ProSwitching Middleware and CAM for transactions

ProSwitching is Flexible

ProSwitching can be deliver with source code and Development Tool (SDK). ProSwitching allow direct interfaces from various Programing laguages .


The most commonly used programing Languages


Stable and Fast Development Programing Languages


Fast development, Easy too use, and large community support


Pyhton current uptrends make it classified as the most effective Programming Languages